Finding High-Quality Undeveloped Land for Sale At a Fair Price

In America, we’re fortunate to have lots of open spaces — lots of undeveloped land. And while they’re certainly not making any more land, chances are you’ve seen some for sale around your town or city. But if you’re not familiar with land uses, prices, and the purchasing process, it’s hard to know whether you’re getting a good deal on land or not. 

Finding and purchasing land is a big step, but it’s never been easier. That’s why we’re happy to take you through the process of finding high-quality undeveloped land for sale at a fair price. 

Why Buy Undeveloped Land?

Before you decide to purchase raw land, it’s important that you’re doing it for the right reasons. It can be tempting to dive into a raw land purchase after hearing a sales pitch about how raw land is disappearing and going up in value. And while this is certainly true, it doesn’t mean everyone should go out and buy raw land. 

At Land Elevated, we are all about transparency in the land-buying process. No high-pressure sales spiels and no rushing you through the process. We suggest that you go see the land before you buy it and that you do your due diligence. In this way, we can ensure that our customers don’t have unrealistic expectations when it comes to their undeveloped land purchase. 

So if you’re still toying with the idea of becoming a landowner, ask yourself why you want to buy the land. We find that the most common reasons are as follows:

  • You want to build a home (either eventually or right away).
  • You want commercially zoned land for building and developing
  • You want to have a place to go camping, fishing, and/or hunting.
  • You want a place to park your RV and stay awhile. 
  • You want an investment property that’s likely to sell for a profit. 
  • You want a place to grow crops, raise livestock, or even grow Christmas trees.
  • You want a stretch of protected woodland to offset your carbon footprint. 

The Land Elevated customers who want two or more of these things are often well-suited to become landowners. For example, someone that wants to build a home and who realizes that that home will increase the value of the land, making it a long-term investment property. Or, someone who wants a place to go camping and grow crops. 

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place! Now let’s talk about finding the right piece of land. 

Finding High-Quality Undeveloped Land That’s Right for You

Realizing what you want out of your land is the big first step. The next step is finding land that fits nicely with what you want it for. Thanks to the internet, this has never been easier. But, also thanks to the internet, it can be difficult. 

A lot of online land sale sites act as intermediaries between you (the buyer) and a third-party seller. This means anyone who is willing to pay a fee can list their property on the site. Of course, this allows room for scammers, high-pressure sales tactics, and people who just aren’t honest about what they’re selling. 

Stick With a Reputable Land Sale Company

This is why it’s important to go with reputable companies. And yes, Land Elevated is one such company! We own all the land we sell, which means you deal with us, not some third-party seller that could be anyone. And since we own all the undeveloped land we sell, we make sure to do upfront research before we buy a property. This means we have some of the most detailed listings of any land sale company out there. 

You can use our property map to filter down your search so you don’t spend hours and hours looking through properties that aren’t relevant to you. And once you find a property that looks good, all the information you need to start your due diligence is there on the listing. 

And you should always do your own due diligence. Even though our listings are very detailed, doing your own research is imperative when buying land. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for with us, you can always check out other reputable undeveloped land sale companies.

Getting a Fair Price on Undeveloped Land for Sale

Determining a fair price for land can be a little more complicated than doing the same for a house. There are many factors that can influence the price of land, not the least of which are zoning, utility access, and location. 

Most of the time, you can look at the price of other properties in the area to get an idea of what the land should sell for. Of course, these other properties should be of similar size and have comparable characteristics to the land you’re looking at. And land, like other real estate, lowers in price depending on how much you can put down upfront. Cash offers will always get you the best price. And by cash, we mean paying for the entire property at once — it doesn’t have to be actual cash. 

Since buying a plot of undeveloped land is significantly cheaper than buying a similar-sized property with a house, many people can put down more than 20% upfront, giving them a better price on the property as a whole. 

What if You Can’t Pay All at Once?

If you don’t have the means to buy the vacant land outright, it can be hard to get third-party financing for land. Banks and lenders are a little more wary about loaning for land, since there’s no immediate collateral for them to recoup their expenses should the buyer be unable to pay. 

This is yet another reason ‌why it’s good to work with a company that owns all the property it sells. At Land Elevated, we’re able to provide favorable financing options and huge discounts for large down payments and cash purchases. We also offer you the ability to put a hold on a property for 48 hours so you can determine if it’s the right piece of undeveloped land for you!


Finding high-quality undeveloped land for sale at a fair price doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience. Working with reputable companies who own the land they sell is a great start. But it’s also important to know exactly why you want the land and what you plan on doing with it. This allows you to search with detail and find the right plot of undeveloped land for you. 

We hope this has helped you on your land-buying journey! If you have any questions, ‌contact us today. Our dedicated Land Specialists are here for you!

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